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The Falls of Saint Anthony, 1871. Creator: George Catlin.
Self-Portrait of George Catlin (1796-1872), 1824. Creator: George Catlin.
Wa-quóth-e-qua, The Buck's Wife, Wife of the Whale, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
A'h-sha-la-cóots-ah, Mole in the Forehead, Chief of the Republican Pawnee, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Le-sháw-loo-láh-le-hoo, Big Elk, Chief of the Skidi (Wolf) Pawnee, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Sháw-da-mon-née, There He Goes, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Ráw-no-way-wóh-krah, Loose Pipestem, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Pshán-shaw, Sweet-scented Grass, Twelve-year-old Daughter of Bloody Hand, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Pam-a-hó, The Swimmer, One of Black Hawk's Warriors, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Woman and Child, Showing How the Heads of Children are Flattened, (1837-1839?) Creator: George Catlin.
Wi-jún-jon, Pigeon's Egg Head (The Light), a Distinguished Young Warrior, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Wée-sheet, Sturgeon's Head, a Fox Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Assiniboin Woman and Child, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Jú-ah-kís-gaw, Woman With Her Child in a Cradle, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Cáh-be-múb-bee, He Who Sits Everywhere, a Brave, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Du-cór-re-a, Chief of the Tribe, and His Family, (1830?) Creator: George Catlin.
Won-de-tów-a, The Wonder, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Wah-kón-ze-kaw, The Snake, 1828. Creator: George Catlin.
Span-e-o-née-kaw, The Spaniard, 1828. Creator: George Catlin.
Sha-wá-no, The South, a Noted Warrior, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Másh-kee-wet, a Great Dandy, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Tcha-káuk-o-ko-máugh, Great Chief, a Boy, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Ah-yaw-né-tak-oár-ron a Warrior, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Two Young Men, 1835 or 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
On-sáw-kie, The Sauk, in the Act of Praying, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Ma-shée-na, Elk's Horns, a Subchief, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Wah-pe-séh-see, Mother of the Chief, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Kee-mo-rá-nia, No English, a Dandy, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Ni-a-có-mo, Fix With the Foot, a Brave, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Men-són-se-ah, Left Hand, a Warrior, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Round Island, a Warrior, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Lay-lóo-ah-pee-ái-shee-kaw, Grass, Bush, and Blossom, Semicivilized, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Steeh-tcha-kó-me-co, Great King (called Ben Perryman), a Chief, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Mó-sho-la-túb-bee, He Who Puts Out and Kills, Chief of the Tribe, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
A Choctaw Woman, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Ye-hów-lo-gee,  The Cloud, a Chief, 1838. Creator: George Catlin.
Láh-shee, The Licker, called "Creek Billy", 1838. Creator: George Catlin.
A Seminole Woman, 1838. Creator: George Catlin.
View on the Upper Mississippi, Beautiful Prairie Bluffs, 1835-1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Picturesque Bluffs above Prairie du Chien, 1835-1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Wa-ho-béck-ee, a Handsome Brave, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Dubuque's Grave, Upper Mississippi, 1835-1836. Creator: George Catlin.
View on the St. Peter's River, Sioux Indians Pursuing a Stag in their Canoes, 1836-1837. Creator: George Catlin.
View of the Junction of the Red River and the False Washita, in Texas, 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
View on Lake St. Croix, Upper Mississippi, 1835-1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Ta-wa-que-nah, or the Rocky Mountain, Near the Comanche Village, 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Blackbird's Grave, a Back View, Prairies Enameled with Flowers, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Prairie Meadows Burning, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Theodore Burr Catlin, in Indian Costume, 1840-1841. Creator: George Catlin.
Four Dancers, 1843-1844. Creator: George Catlin.
Eagle Dance, 1845-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Portraits of Two Grizzly Bears, From Life, 1839-1840. Creator: George Catlin.
View in the Big Bend of the Upper Missouri, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Square Hills, 1200 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Clay Bluffs, Twenty Miles above the Mandans, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wounded Buffalo, Strewing His Blood over the Prairies, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Grouse Shooting on the Missouri Prairies, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Ball-play Dance, Choctaw, 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Ball-play of the Choctaw--ball up, 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Ball-play of the Choctaw--Ball Up, 1846-1850. Creator: George Catlin.